Public Notices
Notice of Final Award - FCARC-00189 Temecula Landscape R & R Services
Notice of Final Award - FCARC-00188 Lime Street Channel Bollard Project
RFB FCARC-00188 Lime Street Channel Bollard Project
RFQ FCARC-00187 - Pre Bid Mandatory Meeting Sign In 10_30_24
Notice of Intent to Award - Woodcrest - Rinehart Acres Drainage Plan Improvements
RFQ FCARC-00187 Request for Qualifications for Architectural Engineering for a New Building 6
RFQ FCARC-00184A Buildout of Three (3) F550 Cab and Chassis with Specified Fence Truck Body
Final Public Notice - DR-4750-CA FEMA Funding Reimbursement for Tahquitz Dam
RFQ FCARC-00186 - Block Wall PS 41 Zone 6
Notice of Intent to Award - Wildomar MDP Lateral C, Stage 3 and Bundy Canyon Basin
Final Award Notice - FB FCARC-000185 - NPDES Lab Renovation
Notice of Intent to Award - RFB FCARC-00185 NPDES Lab Renovation
RFB FCARC-00185 Addendum No. 1 - NPDES Lab Renovation - Located in Building 4
RFB FCARC-00185 NPDES Lab Renovation - Located in Building 4
Wildomar MDP Lateral C, Stage 3 and Bundy Canyon Basin
RFQ FCARC-00183 Attachment A - District Rules for Implementing CEQA
RFQ FCARC-00183 Addendum No. 1
RFB FCARC-000180 - Final Award Notice - Asbestos Abatement and Demolition of Existing Above Ground Structures
Notice of Intent to Award - For Perris Valley Channel Sediment Removal
RFQ FCARC-00181 Asbestos Abatement Addendum & Additional Information
RFB FCARC-00181 Asbestos Abatement
RFB FCARC-00181 Asbestos Abatement - Survey Report
Perris Valley Channel Lateral B, Stage 4_CEQA Draft IS-MND
Perris Valley Channel Lateral B, Stage 4_NOA_NOI Public Notice
Lakeland Village FEMA Public Notice
RCFC & WCD Standard Drawing Junction Structure No.5 (JS230) has been updated and clarified with delta revision 1, as of August 2020.
Notice of Award - RFB #163 - Whittier Avenue Channel Invert Repair At Kirby Street, Hemet
RFB # 163 - Whittier Avenue Channel Invert Repair At Kirby Street, Hemet - Initial Bid Opening
Notice of Award - RFQ 161 - Federal Legislative Representation Services
Notice - RFC #163 - Mandatory Bidders Contact List
RFB # 163 - Whittier Avenue Channel Invert Repair At Kirby Street, Hemet
Q&A for Mockingbird Canyon RFP 4/20/2020
Q&A for Mockingbird Canyon RFP 04/09/2020
RFP-159 - Electronic Submission (Deadline is 3/24/2020 at 1:30pm)
Request for Proposals/Qualifications – Mockingbird Canyon Restoration
Updated ADP Rules and Regulations (Open for review/comment until May 31st, 2019) - send comments to [email protected].
RCFC & WCD Drafting Manual has been revised and updated as of August 2018. All project drawings shall conform with the updated Drafting Manual as of August 1, 2018. A copy of the updated Drafting Manual can be found here.
RCFC & WCD Standard Drawing MH260 has been revised and updated as of September 2016.
RCFC & WCD Standard Drawing M815 has been revised and updated as of September 2017. As of October 1st, 2017, all projects shall comply with the new updated M815 drawing. Click on the LINK to view all the Standard Drawings.