Surveying and Mapping
The District’s Surveying & Mapping Division is comprised of approximately 40 employees and provides information and assistance to the public and District personnel through the following sections:
This section utilizes advanced GPS technology and highly accurate field survey methods to meet the ever growing demands of the District in relation to design, construction, boundary determination and photogrammetric mapping needs.
pho∙to∙gram∙me∙try \fōt-e-gram-e-trē: is the art, science, and technology of obtaining reliable information about physical objects and the environment through processes of recording, measuring, and interpreting photographic images and patterns of electromagnetic radiant energy and other phenomena.
The photogrammetry section has a rich history in providing aerial mapping to the District engineers beginning in 1957. The section has gone through many types of instrumentation from optical projection to mechanical projection to analytical stereo plotters to the present platform of Digital Photogrammetric Workstations.
Real Estate Services
The Acquisition Section is responsible for purchasing any necessary real property for District designed and constructed flood control facilities. In addition, we review and process all dedications required for subdivisions within the District’s boundaries in Riverside County and provide customer service for development that might affect existing District facilities, such as sale of surplus land, leases, utility and access easements.
Right of Way Engineering
The Right of Way Engineering section is responsible for the preparation of Records of Surveys, Right of Way maps, Legal Descriptions and Plats defining District parcels and provides necessary documents for the sale of District property and the acquisition of private property for the construction of flood control projects. Maintains parcel folders with historical information for all District parcels and provides geo-referenced parcels and attributes to GIS for intranet and internet use.
Agency Links
American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS)
Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors (BPELS)
California Spatial Reference Center (CSRC)
California Land Surveyors Association (CLSA)
League of California Surveying Organization (LCSO)
Transportation and Land Management Agency (TLMA)
United States Department of interior –Bureau of Land Management (BLM)