Area Drainage Plan Fees
An Area Drainage Plan (ADP) is a financing mechanism used to offset taxpayer costs for proposed drainage facilities. The fees are imposed on new development within the plan area. The Subdivision Map Act requires that agencies imposing fees have a general drainage plan for the fee area, a special fund for the fees and an equitable distribution of the fees prior to implementation. The Area Drainage Plan is essentially the Master Drainage Plan with additional language supporting the costs and distribution of the fee within the plan area. Developments falling under the Subdivision Map Act (those requiring a division of lands) pay fees on a per acre basis. Developments falling outside of the Subdivision Map Act (known as discretionary use case) are assessed mitigation fees based on their impacts to the watershed.
The Area Drainage Plans (ADP) are pursuant to the Subdivision Map Act (Government Code Section 66410, et seq), Section 10.25 of County of Riverside Ordinance No. 460 and the “Rules and Regulations for Administration of Area Drainage Plans”. The ADP Rules and Regulations establish guidelines used in the administration of ADPs including establishing fee obligation and fee credit determination. ADP fees are to be paid at the time of issuance of grading permits or at the time of issuance of building permits if no grading permits are issued.
Darren James | 951-955-8626 | [email protected] |
ADP Summary
The Area Drainage Plan Summary includes current fee and effective date. Use this link to view an Area Drainage Plan Summary in PDF format.
Do I need to pay ADP fees?
During the discretionary review of a Subdivision Map (divisions of land) or use case, the project will be conditioned to pay ADP fees if located within an ADP boundary. If your Conditions of Approval include a condition to pay ADP fees or there is a note about ADP fees on the Final Map, you will need to pay your ADP fees at the time of grading or building permit issuance.
Area Drainage Plan fees are paid at the District Office. Acceptable forms of payment include Cashier’s Check, Money Order, Wire Transfer, Credit Card (service fee), Debit Card (service fee) or Electronic Check. Personal or corporate checks will not be accepted for payment. The payment should be accompanied by a copy of the final map to help determine the applicable ADP Fee Obligation.
ADP Fee Credit
ADP Fee Credit is earned whenever an ADP facility is constructed. Typically, the Fee Credit is applied against the Developer’s ADP Fee Obligation. In certain cases, excess ADP Fee Credit may be transferable. Please refer to the District’s “Rules and Regulations for Administration of Area Drainage Plans” for additional details.
To review a report listing entities that hold transferable ADP Fee Credit within a particular ADP, use the following link ADP Fee Credit Report. Purchased ADP Fee Credit may be utilized within the ADP boundary to satisfy the requirement to pay drainage fees.