Submit for Plan Check
Plan Check
Plans are checked on a fee for service basis. The District draws expenses from a deposit made by the developer and refunds the remainder in full within 45 days of the District's plan approval. Plans to be checked should be delivered to the District with a check or money order, a completed Plan Check Application, a Submittal Requirement form, and a Deposit Based Fee worksheet. The submittal must be complete for the plans to be scheduled for checking.
Ruddy Argueta
P: 951-955-1239
E: [email protected]
Resources and Documents
Hydrology & Hydraulics
Contract Services
Contract Services prepares cooperative agreements that involve the District and/or a combination of other entities, such as developers, the County, and Cities. In addition, this section also prepares Consulting/Professional Services Agreements between the District and outside firms.
Ann Rolle
P: 951-955-1243
E: [email protected]
Resources and Documents