Request a Project
The District holds two annual budget related meetings in each of the District’s seven zones. The Budget Hearing provides an opportunity for private citizens and municipalities to voice their concerns and request projects. The District’s Zone Commissioners will review and consider all capital improvement requests for inclusion in next year’s fiscal budget. Such requests can be submitted in writing/electronically using the Capital Improvement Project Request Form (preferred), or verbally at the Budget Hearing. Project requests can be submitted at the Budget Hearing for each respective Zone, although submission prior to the Budget Hearing is preferred so that projects can be evaluated by District staff before presenting to the Zone Commissioners. Following the Budget Hearing, the Budget Workshop will be held to discuss the draft recommended budget for the next fiscal year.
For more information regarding the budget process and Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) projects, please click here: Procedure For Requesting Flood Control Projects
Go to FY2024-25 CIP Participation Schedule
How to Request a Capital Improvement Project (Residents/Businesses)
Step 1: Contact Us
Residents and Businesses (non-agency) may request a project by calling or e-mailing District staff at:
- 951.955.1200 (ask for Project Planning)
- [email protected]
To help the District evaluate your request as part of our next CIP update, please contact us by October 13th, 2023.
Requests received after this date but before the Budget Hearings will be processed as time allows.
Step 2: Attend a Budget Hearing (optional)
You are welcome to attend our Budget Hearings to request your project. If you have submitted your request to District staff in Step 1, attending is optional. Please see below for a schedule of the budget hearings.
How to Request a Capital Improvement Project (Cities or Agencies)
Step 1: Locate Your Zone
Click on the map below to locate which District zone your proposed project(s) is in.
Step 2: Check for Your Project in Current CIP
Click the appropriate links below to see if your project of interest is currently budgeted, for what amount, and the description associated with it.
Projects that are already budgeted must have a CIP Request Form submitted annually to remain budgeted.
Step 3: Fill Out and Submit a Capital Improvement Project Request Form
The District’s goals are to fund projects that provide the most benefit for the community, and that leverage partnerships with other agencies. The Capital Improvement Project Request Form was created to help ensure that the District and the Zone Commissioners have enough information to fully evaluate each requested project. Our evaluation will consider factors such as available budget and partnerships for funding, severity of impacts, number of people that will benefit from the project, and the ability of the project to provide multiple benefits (such as water conservation, parks, trails, etc.). Therefore, please provide as much information as possible regarding the requested project and, if necessary, attach a separate sheet to the request.
The District is kindly requesting the completion and submittal of the CIP Request Form by October 13th, 2023.
If e-mailing your request form, please send it to [email protected]
If mailing your request form, please mail it to:
Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District
1995 Market Street
Riverside, CA 92501
Attn: Design & Construction Division
Step 4: Attend a Budget Hearing (optional)
See below for a schedule for the Budget Hearings. Attendance at the Budget Hearings is optional if you submitted the request form in advance.
Hearing & Workshop Schedule
CIP/Budget Hearings
The next budget hearings are tentatively scheduled for December 2024. Specific dates, times and other details are anticipated to be posted here by mid-October 2024.
CIP/Budget Workshops
The next budget workshops are tentatively scheduled for February 2025. Specific dates, times and other details are anticipated to be posted here by mid-October 2024.