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CEQA/Section 18

Good Hope-Olive Storm Drain Project

Perris Valley Channel Lateral B Stage 4 Project

Wildomar Master Drainage Plan Lateral C Revision Project

San Jacinto River Stage 3 Master Drainage Plan

Resolution NO. F2018-05 setting a public hearing date for JURUPA-PYRITE MDP LINE A-2, STAGE 1 project in accordance to SECTION 18 of the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District Act.

Resolution NO. F2018-03 setting a public hearing date for MEADOWVIEW STREAM RESTORATION project in accordance to SECTION 18 of the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District Act.

Project Location Maps for Norco MDP Line NA-1 Stage 2 and Lateral NA-1 Stage 1 Project

Engineer’s Statement for Norco MDP Line NA-1 Stage 2 and Lateral NA-1 Stage 1 Project