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Development Process


The District’s Development Review Section reviews proposed subdivision and land use cases for unincorporated county areas located within the District’s boundaries. The County Planning Department forwards entitlement cases for review and District staff recommends conditions of approval for each case to the Riverside County Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors.

A typical review includes a flood hazard assessment (report), recommended conditions of approval concerning flood protection and drainage infrastructure and, when applicable, identification of Area Drainage Plan fees. Development cases within incorporated areas typically receive only a cursory review focusing on District Master Drainage Plan facilities and, when applicable, identification of Area Drainage Plan fees.

Case ReviewerPhone NumberEmail Address
Amy McNeill951-955-1214[email protected]
Chris Sorensen951-955-4676[email protected]
Kimani (Robert) Macharia951-955-1348[email protected]
Laura Lopez951-955-8851[email protected]
Olivia Pearson951-955-1283[email protected]


Plan Check

Developer-prepared improvement plans for drainage infrastructure are checked by the District’s Plan Check section on a fee-for-service basis. The Developer establishes a plan check account with the District and furnishes an initial deposit. All plan check expenses are subsequently deducted from the Developer’s account. Occasionally, it may be necessary to furnish an additional deposit. Upon project acceptance, any funds remaining in the account are refunded to the Developer within 45 days.

At the time the initial plan check submittal is made, the improvement plans and all necessary supporting documentation shall be delivered to the District along with 1) a check or money order; 2) a completed Plan Check Application, Submittal Requirement form; and 3) a Plan Check Deposit Based Fee Worksheet. The submittal must be complete for the plans to be scheduled for checking. Use the links to view the Plan Check Application and Submittal Requirements and Plan Check Deposit Based Fee Worksheet in PDF format. For projects currently undergoing improvement plan or grading plan review, please contact the District’s Plan Check Section at 951-955-8626 for permit clearances or paying Area Drainage Plan fees.

Plan CheckerPhone NumberEmail Address
Ruddy Argueta951-955-1239[email protected]


Co-Operative Agreement

Contract Services prepares cooperative agreements that involve the District and/or a combination of other entities, such as developers, the County, and Cities. A Cooperative Agreement establishes the respective roles and responsibilities of each party involved in the project delivery/acceptance process. To initiate preparation of an agreement, submit a completed Application for Agreement Preparation to the Administrative Services Section. Be sure to include all requested supporting information as attachments to the application. The cost of preparing and processing the agreement will be charged to the applicant’s plan check account.

Once the co-operative agreement is executed, the following will need to be completed:

  • Administrative Clearance
  • Environmental Clearance
  • Right of Way Clearance
  • Inspection Account Funded
ContactPhone NumberEmail Address
Ann Rolle951-955-1243[email protected]



Once the Contract Service’s clearances are obtained and an Inspection Account has been funded, the following items must be received to obtain by the District’s Construction Management Section to schedule a pre-Construction Meeting and to issue Notice to Proceed.

  • D-Load Request Form
  • Confined Space Entry
  • Trench Shoring Calculations/False Work
  • Letter from Developer stating Geotechnical Firm
  • Letter from Developer stating concrete lab/test firm
  • Concrete Mix Design
ContactPhone NumberEmail Address
Nicholas Guizado951-955-1288[email protected]
Eric Lomeli951-955-1260[email protected]
Andrew Chan951-955-1211[email protected]


Plan Case (Tract, Parcel Map, Plot Plan, Conditional Use Permit, Etc.) Development Plan

  1. Information that is helpful with this request:
    1. Case Number (TR, PM, etc.)
    2. APN or Address of location
    3. Screenshot or Google Earth file of location
    4. The type of information request (e.g. offsite hydrology for TR 12345)
  2. Contact:

    Darren James 951-955-8626 [email protected]